Институтот Европа на Универзитетот Сар поканува заинтересирани за Програмата Leonhard-Euler 2024-2025, финансирана од Германската организација за академска размена и германското Министерство за надворешни работи.

Оваа програма поддржува заеднички бинационални истражувачки проекти, поттикнувајќи ја соработката меѓу младите универзитетски наставници од Источна и Југоисточна Европа, како и земјите од Јужен Кавказ и Централна Азија.

Станува збор за истражувачки едномесечен престој во Europa-Institut од септември 2024 до август 2025 година. Целта на програмата е да се промовираат заеднички истражувачки проекти и да се задржат младите универзитетски наставници на нивните матични универзитети.

Во продолжение ви го пренесуваме Повикот во целост:

Call for Application
Leonhard-Euler-Programme 2024-2025

The Leonhard-Euler-Program of the German Academic Exchange Service with funds of the German Foreign Office goes into its next round in 2024-2025. For this purpose, the Europa-Institut of Saarland University wants to apply for several scholarship so that we are able to award a 1-month scholarship.

The Leonhard-Euler-Program promotes the implementation of joint binational research projects in order to contribute to the retention of young university teachers (e.g. during the doctoral phase) at their respective home universities. The supervision of young researchers from Eastern and Southeastern Europe as well as countries of the South Caucasus and Central Asia is carried out jointly by foreign and German university teachers, taking advantage of existing good professional relations in one (or more neighboring) discipline(s) between the German university and the foreign university.

We plan to apply to this project. For this we must already have identified the possible scholarship holders.

At the heart of the Leonhard-Euler-Program is an one-month research stay to the Europa-Institut in conjunction with an on-site scholarship support ("Sur-Place"). In addition to the qualification of young scientists, this program is intended to increasingly promote young scientists for cooperation between different chairs of the participating universities. Furthermore, the program is intended to help counteract the "brain drain" of qualified young scientists.

The program starts in September 2024 and ends in August 2025. The Europa-Institut offers one-month research stays, including sur-place support, plus the mobility lump sums for each country:

Local scholarship

1200 Euro

Sur-Place scholarship per month (up to 8 months)

150 Euro


525 Euro

Bosnia and Herzegovina

475 Euro

North Macedonia

500 Euro


300 Euro










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