The OSCE Mission to Skopje is pleased to announce the launch of a call for participants for the Youth Engagement and Empowerment to Counter Radicalization and Violent Extremism Training.

This program, to be held from 7 to 10 October 2024 at Hotel Romantique in Veles, is an initiative aimed at equipping young leaders with the skills and knowledge necessary to address challenges in internal conflict prevention and national security.

This training is the second youth-focused program developed by the OSCE Mission to Skopje, bringing together 20 students from security studies, law, international relations, and political studies across various universities in North Macedonia. Participants will have the opportunity to engage with OSCE Mission members and experts from state security institutions, providing them with practical insights into the complexities of modern multicultural societies and their security challenges.

The application period is open from 4 to 24 September 2024. Interested students are encouraged to apply as soon as possible, as late submissions will not be considered. Selected participants will be notified via email; therefore, applicants should provide an email address they actively use. While the application form is in English, submissions in Macedonian or Albanian are also welcome.

The OSCE Mission to Skopje will cover all costs related to accommodation, travel, training materials, and meals during the program.

The call is open to participants from North Macedonia only and the training will be conducted in Macedonian, with translation provided between Macedonian and Albanian. 

You can find the call in the following link:

Application form is here: Youth Engagement and Empowerment to Counter Radicalization and Violent Extremism Training (

Технички секретар

Маргарета Алчинова
Тел: +389 32 550 450
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Штип - Христина Груеска

Тел: +389 32 550 480

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Струмица - Аница Удовалиева

Тел: +389 32 550 250

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Тел: +389 32 550 129

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